Have you ever noticed just how wonderful deviled eggs can be when they are made right? In fact, when you can find the recipe for some truly divine deviled eggs, it can make just about any meal taste a little bit better. But how do you make these wonderful little delights? The answer is that it is actually quite easy to make some fantastic tasting deviled eggs that just about everyone will enjoy and crave. You will be amazed at how easy this recipe is.
A word of advice about this recipe: it assumes that the eggs you will be making the deviled eggs out of have already been hardboiled. As such, it will not be going into detail about how you are to hardboil an egg.
- 12 hardboiled eggs
- 1/2 cup Mayonnaise or salad dressing
- 1 teaspoon kosher pickle juice
- 2 tablespoons of yellow mustard (more or less to taste)
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- Paprika (for garnish)
- Peel the eggs. Peel the shells off of the eggs. This is always a bit tricky, and often you can have the meat of the egg looking a bit chewed up. Even so, this is fine, since no one will be looking at them too long. Use whatever method you normally use to remove the shells as easily as possible. Put all the shell pieces in a separate bowl for later disposal and place the shelled eggs into another bowl. Rinse off all the eggs to ensure that there are no pieces of shell sticking to them.
- Cut the eggs. Using a sharp knife, cut all the eggs in half length-wise. Remove the yolks and place them into a medium-sized mixing bowl. The egg whites can be placed on a serving tray.
- Create the filling. In the bowl in which you placed the egg yolks, put the mayonnaise (or salad dressing), pickle juice, yellow mustard, and black pepper. Mix everything together until it is a smooth consistency. Take a small taste of the filling to make sure that it is to your liking and, if not, add a little more of the ingredients to make it the way that you would prefer.
- Fill the eggs. Place the completed egg filling into a small sandwich bag, and cut off one corner of the bag. This will act as a pastry bag and allow you to fill the egg whites with your filling. You will need to gently squeeze the bag so that the filling will come out the opening. Be careful that you don't squeeze too hard or it will end up going all over the place. Refill the bag as needed until you have filled all the eggs.
- Garnish and serve. Sprinkle a bit of paprika over the filled eggs and then place everything in the refrigerator to chill until dinnertime. Remove about 10 minutes before you eat the main course. Enjoy!
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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