Keeping Your Veggies Fresh
Fresh vegetables are so expensive, you can't afford to let them wilt or rot before you're able to use them. Most vegetables can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator. Root vegetables (including radishes, carrots, and turnips) will stay fresh much longer than other veggies, sometimes up to two months when stored properly. The thing that will allow you to keep your vegetables longest is getting high quality produce from the beginning.
Do you often find that your vegetables get soggy when you store them in the refrigerator? Do you have to throw out a lot of produce before you have a chance to use it? A few simple tips can keep your veggies fresher longer.
- Keep refrigerated veggies crisp with a sponge. Place a dry sponge in your vegetable bin. It will absorb some of the moisture and leave your onions, carrots, and other produce crisp and fresh days or weeks longer than you're used to. This works for most fruits, too.
- Keep carrots sweeter and make them last longer with a haircut. Just chop the leafy tops off before storing your carrots. The tops pull moisture from the carrots, making them dry and bitter.
- Your celery won't wilt as quickly if you try one of these tricks before putting it in the fridge: store your celery in a paper bag; slip a couple of small plastic bags over both ends of the celery; or wrap your celery in aluminum foil just before putting it in the fridge.
- Have you ever washed spinach carefully only to have your family complain that it's gritty? Next time, wash your spinach with salt water, and say goodbye to grit!
- Keep your asparagus fresh and crisp by cutting off a half inch from the bottom of the stalk and standing the pieces in an inch of warm water. Be careful not to get the tips wet. Your asparagus will look and taste great when you cook it for dinner! You can also perk up wilted asparagus by using the same trick.
Now that you know the basics, get some tips on serving vegetables, including a great recipe for asparagus salad!
Author Bio
Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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