A Fantastic Ceramic Potato Peeler

by Debra Wyatt
(last updated June 6, 2018)


Peeling potatoes has always been a time-consuming project that I am always willing to pass off to anyone who dared to come by my cooking space. I find that using the Shenzen potato peeler has cured me of that. Actually, the other day I was cooking a large family dinner. I found myself actually enjoying peeling potatoes and any other vegetables that needed peeling. There, sitting on my kitchen counter, was a huge amount of potatoes and carrots that needed to be peeled. The family was sitting in the living room when I left them to begin peeling the potatoes for the family dinner.

Usually I am dragging someone in to help me. This time I wanted to see what this little peeler could do, so I proceeded into the kitchen by myself. One by one they soon appeared to see what was happening. Next thing I knew, my family was in the kitchen wanting to try the peeler themselves. It seemed like everyone wanted to use the peeler. Everyone loved using the potato peeler, finding different vegetables as well as fruit to peel.

I find that using the Shenzen potato peeler makes the work of peeling any vegetable go much faster. The peeler seems to just slide over the vegetable. I found myself trying too hard at first; the peeler is so light that I kept applying too much pressure. This felt like the peeler was making the peeling of the vegetables to appear to be choppy. When I finally realized what I was doing and lightened my touch, the work went faster and the peeling was smoother. The vegetables would just glide under the potato peeler. The peelings are thinner, leaving more of the vegetable on the vegetable. I didn't even have to stop and try to remove the peelings from the peeler like I would have to from the old potato peeler that I normally use.

The design of the peeler is great. The blade is made out of ceramic which makes the peeler very sharp, but because of the design I never worried about slicing my fingers or hand. With this design only light pressure is needed. Using it right- or left-handed doesn't make a bit of difference.

Cleaning the potato peeler is really quite easy; just wipe off with a damp sponge that has a little dishwashing soap, rinse, and then dry. It's now ready for the next time it is needed. The Shenzen potato peeler would be an excellent addition to any kitchen.

(For more information on Shenzhen's selection of ceramic products, please visit their website at http://www.shenzhenknives.com/)

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Author Bio

Debra Wyatt

Deb has a communications degree and applies her talents to her position as Marketing Specialist at Sharon Parq Associates. In her spare time she spends time with her children and grandchildren and devotes time to her church. ...


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What is 5 + 3?

2021-05-20 10:16:09


How could I use that found serial number in a powershell script to change the computer name to something like "W10-SerialNumber"?

2020-08-17 12:07:52

Bill Bulling

Getting Error on my Dell Inspiron-580 in PowerShell 7.0.3:

Get-WmiObject: The term 'Get-WmiObject' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

2020-08-17 10:32:34


@ Geoffrey yes, each computer, depending on the manufacturer could have a slightly different string listing if the serial number was not included.

2020-08-17 10:30:56


@Glenn thanks for the catch, I apologize for the mistake. If you refresh the page the link will work now.

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Geoffrey Robb

Hi Eric

My computer says "Default String" when I follow the instructions above. I guess in my case it is not coded into the BIOS

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Your link in the article, "how to configure PowerShell to be shown," doesn't tell me how to configure PowerShell. Instead it points at Win10 shortcut keys.


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