Have you ever wondered how they make those heart-shaped cakes you see in the bakery window? Do they use a special tin? Maybe they do, but you don't have to. (How often will you really use a heart anyway?) Hearts are really a cinch to make using pans you already have on hand.
- You'll need two cake pans, one round and one square.
- Divide your cake mix between the pans and bake.
- Once the cakes have cooled, level the cakes (cut of the tops so they are flat and even), and cut the round cake in half so you have two half-circles.
- Turn the square cake on an angle so it looks like a diamond.
- Add one half-circle piece to each top side. If your round cake is wider than your square, you can trim the edges of the circle that go beyond the edge of the square. If your round cake isn't as wide as your square, trim two edges of the square so they match with the circle.
- Frost with pretty pink and red icing and you will melt the heart of any loved one.
Another fun way to decorate a heart-shaped cake is to make it into a tuxedo:
- The heart's point will be the bottom of your cake.
- Frost the whole heart with white icing.
- Let the icing set up (at least half an hour).
- Trace two lines in the icing, one from each arch down to the point, making a V (the inside of the V will be the white tuxedo shirt).
- Frost over the white icing with brown or black icing outside the V you drew (this will be the tuxedo jacket).
- Pipe a line of buttons down the center of the white shirt, and add other details like a pocket, lapels, a collar, and a flower in the buttonhole.
Also consider other fun things you can do with hearts, like turning a heart upside-down and adding a little triangle to make a spade (think of a card-themed party or poker night), or making it into a fish by laying it sideways and adding two triangles for a tail.
Author Bio
Stefani Anderson
Stefani is an assessment developer for an online university. She earned a degree in language, editing, and anthropology from Brigham Young University. Her favorite thing is to travel the world, chronicle her adventures, and help others celebrate memories. Learn more about Stefani...
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