Homemade Cinnamon Cranberry Sauce
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated November 15, 2021)
If you are thinking of having a turkey dinner, then chances are you are also considering having some cranberry sauce. After all, is there really anything out there that goes with turkey quiet as well as a great tasting cranberry sauce? Not only is cranberry sauce great tasting, but it is easy to make and relatively inexpensive as well. However, just because it is traditional to have cranberry sauce with your turkey dinner doesn't mean that you can't experiment a little bit. Here is a fantastic recipe for some great tasting homemade cinnamon cranberry sauce. I promise that you will never want store bought cranberry sauce again.
- 12 ounce package of fresh cranberries
- 2 cups fresh orange juice
- 1 cup white granulated sugar
- 1 medium sized cinnamon stick
- Add orange juice and sugar. In a medium to large sized sauce pan pour the two cups of orange juice and add the sugar. Stir everything until it is well blended, and then place the sauce pan onto your stove. Turn the heat up to a medium high, and bring the mixture to a low boil.
- Add cranberries and cinnamon. Once you have heated up the orange juice and sugar, it is time to add your cranberries. Pour the entire contents of a 12 ounce package of cranberries into the sauce pan, and then add the stick of cinnamon. Once again bring everything to a low boil.
- Let everything simmer. As your cranberries begin to boil do not be surprised to hear a loud pop. This sound is the cranberries beginning to burst, and is exactly what you want to happen. Reduce the heat of the burner and bring the cranberries to a simmer. Continue to stir the cranberries until there have been no more popping for about five minutes.
- Remove and cool. After the cranberries have stopped popping remove the cinnamon stick from the sauce pan and the sauce pan from the heat. Pour the remaining contents of your sauce pan into a large serving bowl and place into the refrigerator. Allow the cranberries to remain in the refrigerator for about two hours, or until the cranberries have achieved a jelly-like consistency.
- Serve and enjoy! Remove the cranberries and serve with your hot turkey dinner. This recipe will make enough cranberry sauce for a family of six with a little bit left over. Feel free to adjust the amount of the ingredients to increase or decrease the amount of cranberries that you make.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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