Bread is one of the main staples in most people's diet. It is a main component of the grains group in the food pyramid and comes in many different shapes, sizes, textures, and flavors. The nutrition value of your bread can vary greatly depending on the ingredients you use. Fortunately, there are several bread recipes to choose from so you can make your bread any way you would like.
In this section of tips, you'll find a variety of bread recipes from the traditional homemade bread loaf to stuffing to muffins. There is also information about the baking process and how to store your bread so it stays fresh longer.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Breads' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Amazing Dinner Rolls
Rolls are often one of the best parts of the meal, and if made perfectly, the rolls can be the perfect thing to set off your Sunday night meal. Here is a great dinner roll recipe that will leave your family wanting seconds.
Amazing Homemade French Bread
Nothing is quite so delicious as homemade bread. Sometimes you may think that French bread is something that can't be homemade, something that you may have to get only at the grocery. False! You can make your own homemade French bread and have it be delicious!
Angel Biscuits
Bread is often one of the favorite parts of a meal, so make sure that the bread really is worth the excitement. Here's a recipe for biscuits that are what they say they are: angelic.
Apricot, White Chocolate, and Walnut Scones
Scones are great for mixing up your traditional dessert. They are delicious and easy to make. Here is a great recipe that will give you the variety you have been looking for.
Baking Great Bread
You love fresh-baked bread! Find out how to speed up the process and fix your little bread dough mistakes.
Best Storage for Your Bread
Does your bread go stale before you can enjoy it all? Learn what you need to know to keep your bread fresh longer.
Bread Bags
Bread should be stored the right way to keep it fresh. Examine the different kinds of bread bags so you can learn the best ways to store bread.
Bread Storage
If you want to enjoy fresh bread, make sure you store it properly. Otherwise, bread can spoil faster and become stale.
Breadcrumbs, Croutons, and Stuffing
Don't know what to do with that crusty bread? Dissatisfied with store-bought stuffing? Want to make your own breadcrumbs? Get the ideas here.
Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon rolls are a perennial favorite for breakfast. Since it can be a tad expensive to constantly buy premade rolls from the store or restaurants, why not make the rolls yourself? Here is a fantastic recipe that allows you to make this wonderful treat from scratch.
Cornbread Stuffing
When having poultry for dinner, is there really a better side dish to have than stuffing? Cornbread stuffing can be one of the greatest complimentary dishes to a poultry dinner, if it is done properly. Here is a recipe that will help raise your cooking skills to legendary proportions (at least among your family).
Easy Banana Bread
Have you ever noticed just how quickly bananas can go bad? Instead of throwing them away, why not make some banana bread? Simply follow this easy banana bread recipe and you will have a fantastic treat that you and your family will simply love.
Easy Bread Recipe
Have you ever wanted an easy bread recipe to use? If you are looking for a great, easy, and wonderful tasting homemade bread recipe, then look no further! Follow this bread recipe, and find out just how easy making bread can be. You won't be disappointed.
Healthy Brownie Muffins
Who ever thought that brownies could ever be healthy? Well, here is a great recipe that combines the great taste of brownies and the health of bran to give you muffins that satisfy both needs.
Homemade Banana Bread
Banana bread is a classic kind of bread for which there are probably hundreds of recipes. Here is just one of them, and I think that you will definitely be pleased!
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon rolls are desserts that will never go out of style. If you can make homemade cinnamon rolls then you will always be set to go for a snowy day!
Homemade Rolls
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own homemade rolls? After all, is there really anything else that can go so well with comfort food, than a nice fluffy, hot buttered roll? The next time you are in the mood for some great tasting rolls, try this recipe out.
Irish Soda Bread
Bread is a great addition to any meal, and learning how to make bread is a skill that any home chef needs to know. Bread can often be something tricky to make, requiring all kinds of extra equipment or machines to make some. Irish soda bread is different. Here's why.
Is Bread Mold Harmful?
It is unfortunate to find a few spots of mold on an otherwise fine-looking loaf of bread, but you shouldn't necessarily scrape the mold off and eat the bread anyway. Mold can be harmful and could make you sick if you aren't careful.
Limpa Rye Bread
If you're kind of sick of your typical homemade bread recipes, then it may be time to shake things up a bit. Here's a great bread recipe that is unlike any you've ever had before.
Making Matzo Bread
Matzo bread is an unleavened bread that has long been an element of a traditional Passover meal. One of the great things about this type of bread is that it is extremely easy to make. Here is a great recipe that you can use, if you are interested in including this wonderful bread in your next meal.
Morning Bran Muffins
In the morning, you may be pressed for time, and you need a quick and easy breakfast. Here is a great recipe that will get you up and going in the morning.
October Pumpkin Bread
It's always a great day when you come home to the smell of freshly baked pumpkin bread. Here's a great pumpkin bread recipe that will succeed in making your autumn unforgettable.
Orange Poppy Seed Scones
Scones are great dessert that makes for a wonderful change of pace. They are easy to make, and people will be talking about them for weeks.
Sheepherder's Bread
Homemade bread is way delicious, and here is a great recipe for you to use. You'll never want to go back to the recipe you used before!
Sourdough Bread
It's next to impossible to accurately describe the taste of sourdough bread. Whether you are making stuffing, French toast or just using sourdough bread can add a unique taste to any type of meal. Save money by making your own sourdough, and here is a fantastic recipe to help you out.
Super Quick Breadsticks
If you're in a crunch for what to make for dinner, try making some breadsticks. They are delicious and will satisfy any grumbling stomach.
Uses for Stale Bread
While it may be tempting to throw out that old, stale bread you have lying around your kitchen, don't. There are so many uses for stale bread that you really can't afford to throw it out. Here are a few of the different methods available for using any stale bread that you may have.
Vielnik Bread
Homemade bread is so delicious, and it's even more delicious when it's a new recipe. Here's a new take on homemade bread that you'll never forget.
Yummy Oatmeal Rolls
Rolls are the best complement to a tasty meal, but sometimes you need to mix things up a bit. Here is a great oatmeal roll recipe that you'll definitely want to make again.