You've planned the perfect party with some great food. All that's left to plan is the beverages. What you serve to drink can vary greatly depending on the occasion and the people you have invited. We have some ideas that will make any party a success.
Most likely, you have already considered serving soda, water, and other common beverages. This section of tips includes ideas for beverages that break away from the ordinary. You'll find ideas on serving non-alcoholic drinks, holiday drinks such as wassail, and a great fruit punch slush.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Beverages' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Beer Brewing Explained
Beer has literally been around for thousands of years, and has become an integral part of a large number of societies in our world. While it is not necessary to have beer brewing explained to truly enjoy a good brew, it certainly won't hurt. Here is a little bit of information detailing the basics of beer brewing.
Beer Brewing Necessities
If you have never done it before, making some homebrew beer can be a really enjoyable hobby. However, in order to brew beer properly, you need to have the right equipment. Beer brewing is more than just having the right ingredients after all. Use this list of beer brewing necessities to get off on the right track.
Beverage Center
Do you need a convenient place to keep drinks cold? A beverage center can help, whether you need drink storage at home or in a commercial setting.
Blackberry Iced Tea
Is there really anything that tastes better on a hot summer day than a cool glass of iced tea? Tea is perhaps one of the worlds most popular drinks, and even more so during the summer. Here is a great recipe for a long standing summer favorite.
Christmas Wassail
Christmastime comes around and it's time to let out all the stops. One of those stops is the Christmas wassail and you want the perfect kind. Here's a favorite recipe of mine that's never failed to please!
Completely Non-Alcoholic Pina Colada
If you are one not prone to drinking, then this drink is for you. Get a great taste without any alcohol (believe it or not)!
Energy Drinks
Although energy drinks are very popular and convenient, consumers should take care when drinking them. These drinks can pose dangers, especially to those who have medical conditions.
Fruit Punch Slush
Needing a great non-alcoholic drink? This fruit punch slush is a great one! It can be used for either large or small parties. Simple to make, this drink has a great taste.
Fun Summer Drinks
During the hot summer months, it often seems like a person can never get enough to drink, particularly when a party is going on. Well, here are a few drinks that will not only taste great, but leave people wanting more. Best of all, none of these are alcoholic, so they are perfect for everyone!
Great Party Drinks
Sometimes you just need to throw that perfect party and there's only one thing holding you back—the issue of drinks. Find out how to make and decide on great drinks for you party!
Great Virgin Party Drinks
Not everyone likes alcoholic drinks and so at any party you need to have some virgin options for your guests. Here are a few ideas and also some tips on how to handle your guests and the alcohol you serve them.
Hot Chocolate
A fun homemade hot chocolate mix also known as "Mexican hot chocolate." This recipe has that special ingredient that will set it apart from all the others. Caution: Drinking this hot chocolate may cause a desire for wanting more than just one cup of this delicious brew.
Hot Holiday Punch
Nothing is better on a cold winter morning than a cup of a hot drink. This is the best hot drink to have that will leave you warm and toasty and ready to go.
Instant Hot Cocoa Mix
Nothing is better on a winter morning than a cup of a hot drink. This mix will yield one of the tastiest hot drinks that will get you ready to go and feeling warm and toasty.
Lemonade with a Zing
Lemonade is a great refreshing drink for the summer, but sometimes it needs to be changed up a bit. Here is what you need to do to give your lemonade some zing!
Magnificent Margaritas
Just about everyone has had a margarita at some point in time. But do you know how to make them? It is surprisingly easy. Here is a fantastic recipe for this classic party drink.
Old Fashioned Lemonade
Nothing is quite as refreshing as a cool glass of lemonade. What even makes the lemonade even better is if it is made in the traditional way. Here is a fantastic recipe for some great tasting old fashioned lemonade that you and your family will simply love.
Strawberry Lemonade
Strawberry lemonade is a fun, thirst quenching drink. Make some today and delight your entire family with a really cool drink for a hot afternoon. Just follow this simple recipe.
Substitutes for Beer in Recipes
Many recipes call for beer, but some people either don't keep it around the house or have run out and need a quick substitute. Although using an alternative might alter the flavor of the food a bit, it usually works just as well and can save you a trip to the store.
The Magic of the Best Hot Cocoa Combination
Some nights, you just have a hard time having motivation, and you may even have a breakdown. Here is a great hot cocoa combination that will give you the strength you need to finish whatever you need to.
Virgin Sex on the Beach
Perhaps one of the most famous and beloved of all alcoholic drinks, Sex On The Beach can be a great addition to any party that you may be throwing. But what about those who don't, or won't, drink alcohol? That's when you break out this great recipe for Virgin Sex On The Beach, a wonderful non-alcoholic variant.
Wine and Corked Beverages
Why should corked drinks be stored on their side? And what do you do if the cork falls inside the bottle?
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